Friday, October 26, 2012

Writing quiz

Students will be asked to write a story using the following words in their writing correctly. The story should make sense! We have practiced these in class all week.

Making Observations in Science

Observing the effects of a decomposed (yeast) on a banana.

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Turkey Hat

Check out Jake's awesome turkey hat!

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Thursday, October 25, 2012

Miss Zelle's class learns to visualize!

Miss Zelle's class listened to four poems and chose to draw the one they could picture the clearest in their mind. They talked in groups of students who chose the same poem, about what helped them visualize and how visualizing helps them understand the poem.

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Miss Zelle's math centers to review chapter 2

Don't forget to study for your quiz tomorrow:
Comparing numbers
Ordering numbers
Rounding numbers
Organizing a table
Reading a table

Most importantly... Reading the directions!!!

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Red Ribbon Week - Monday and Wednesday Clothing Options

Monday, October 22-“Wear Red Day”
Wear something RED today.  Everyone will receive red ribbons to wear all week promoting the drug-free message.

Wednesday, October 24-“Winners Don’t Use Drugs”
Wear a team shirt from your favorite winning team.

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Reminder: Half Day on Friday

Students will be dismissed at 11:50 am on Friday.  Please be sure your student knows his/her dismissal plans.  

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Chapter 1 Math Quiz Monday - All Fourth Grade!

Fourth grade has a math quiz on Monday over Chapter 1. Chapter 1 covers Place Value through the hundred thousands place, writing numbers 3 ways (standard, expanded, and word form), benchmark numbers, and reading a pictograph. Students should be able to:

  • Identify the value of digits in each place value
  • Determine the new value of a number when it has been INCREASED or DECREASED
  • Write and read a number 3 ways: 
    • Standard Form (example: 325,491)
    • Expanded Form (example: 300,000 + 20,000 + 5,000 + 400 + 90 + 1)
    • Word Form (example: Three hundred twenty-five thousand, four hundred ninety-one
  • Use a benchmark to estimate a number of objects
  • Read a pictograph
Students should complete their study guides to prepare for the quiz,  and use their notes to review over the weekend.

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Upcoming Sappington Dates...

Upcoming Events:
10-2    SPTG meeting 6:45; gym
10-3    Girse & Hammock / Magic House
           5th Grade / Cahokia Mounds
           Kindergarten / Eckert's (All Kdg. students will attend a full day)
10-4    Green & Hilgendorf / Magic House
10-5    Bingo Night; gym; 6:30-7:30
10-5    Fundraiser ends
10-10  1st Grade / Powell Hall
           School Store
10-16   Psghetti's Night
            Blood Drive; 2:15 - 6:15
10-17   3rd Grade / Old Courthouse & Arch
10-18   Hearing Screenings / K, 1st, 3rd, & 5th and new students
10-19   Half Day of School / Dismissal 11:50 (Afternoon kdg. students will not attend school this day.)
10-22  Red Ribbon Week
10-25  3rd Grade / The Sheldon
10-26  2nd & 5th Grades / Zoo
           1st Grade / Powder Valley

Monday, October 1, 2012

Ms. Flinn's Class in Science

We learned how animal's bodies help meet their needs. Take a look at how different beak shapes affected the food the 'birds' could collect.

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Mrs. Pride's October Reading Letter

Students have reading letters due on the following dates.  These letters will be completed in class, and will only be brought home for homework if a student chooses not to finish in class before his/her due date.