Friday, September 30, 2011

Parents: Please Comment on Our Posts

We would love your feedback on our blog posts.  Feel free to comment by signing in to your Google account.  If you do not have an account, you can post comments as "Anonymous"...just remember to sign your name at the end of your comment.  

To comment, click the Comment link under each post.  We want to hear your thoughts on what is happening in fourth grade!

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Mrs. Wigger's Homework

Book project due October 10th

Reading letter: Braiden, Nolan, Keagan, Alex

Social Studies:
Map of the Month

Sign and return test

No school on Friday!!

Mrs. Pride's Class:Reminders about Project Due Dates

  • Friday, October 7: 1st Quarter Book Projects Due
  • Monday, October 10: Map in a Month Due (for both Mrs. Pride and Miss Zelle's Social Studies classes)
Please contact me if you have any questions about these assignments.  All materials have already been sent home regarding the projects.  

Miss Zelle's Science classes learn about Adaptations

In science, students learned about birds' beak adaptations.  They did this in the Eat Like a Bird Investigation.  Students were given a spoon (spoonbill) or a popsicle stick (duck bill) and had to try to collect or "eat" as many rubberbands (worms) or marbles (seeds/nuts) as they could.  They learned which beaks have adapted to help the bird meet its needs. 

October Events

October 4- SPTG meeting at 6:45
October 7- Dairy Tour/Custodian's Day
October 12- The Water Project Walk-a-thon
October 14- First Quarter Ends/ 11:50 dismissal for students
October 17- Second Quarter Begins
October 20- Fall Music Program 7:00 p.m. (2nd and 5th grade)
October 21- Bingo Night 6:30
October 24- Conferences
October 26- Conferences
October 28- No School
October 31- Halloween Parties at 1:30

Miss Zelle's Newsletter

Dear Parents/Guardians,
            The fourth graders continue to work hard at school, and put forth their best efforts!  In math we have finished up our geometry unit, and are going to begin our unit on understanding whole numbers and operations.  In this unit students will work with place value and number sense, comparing and ordering numbers, adding and subtracting whole numbers, and algebra.  In science we are learning about adaptations, how animals bodies’ and behaviors help them meet their needs, and comparing living things today with those of the past.  Then, we will move on to learning about Energy Transfer in Ecosystems.  In communication arts we are working on questioning, predicting, visualizing when reading.  When quarter 2 begins we will begin to learn about making inferences.  In writing we have finished publishing our personal narratives.   We will begin working on writing a persuasive piece soon.  Spelling is up and running.  We are working on skills as groups that should transfer over into your student’s writing.  Make sure your student is reading nightly!
Miss Zelle

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Mrs. Pride's Class: Spelling Test Tomorrow

Don't forget to study your spelling words for tomorrow's test!
Mrs. Wigger's Homework

Book project

Read 20 minutes/Fill out log

Make and write two connections

Exact sentence + connection + explain how the connection helps you understand the story

Connections quiz tomorrow

Reading letter: Braiden, Nolan, Drake, Keagan

Social Studies:
Map of the Month

No school on Friday

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Mrs. Wigger's Homework

Purple Communication Folders due Wednesday.

Book project

Read 20 minutes/Fill out log

We are working on connections.

Exact sentence + connection + explain how the connection helps you understand the story

Reading letter: Braiden, Nolan, and Alex

Social Studies:
Map of the Month

Fundraiser went home today.

Picture Day is Tomorrow

Don't forget that tomorrow is Picture Day!!!  Everyone will be photographed.  If you would like to order pictures, please complete the order form that was previously sent home, and return it to school with your child tomorrow. 

Monday, September 26, 2011

Mrs. Wigger's Homework

Purple Communication Folders due Wednesday.

Book project

Read 20 minutes/Fill out log
Find one connection as you read.

Our connections need:

Exact sentence + connection + explain how the connection helps you understand the story

Reading letter: Shane and Braiden

Social Studies:
Map of the Month
Lesson Review pg 101 #2-4

Science: Review study guide for Biome Quiz

Important Items to Remember this Week

  • PICTURE DAY is Wednesday (September 28)- if you want to order pictures, complete the order form that was previously sent home and return it to school by Wednesday
  • NO SCHOOL on Friday!

Friday, September 23, 2011

Mrs. Pride's Class: Mid-Quarter Progress Reports Sent Home Today

Mid-quarter progress reports were sent home today with current grades for your student. First quarter ends October 14th.  Please sign and return the progress report to school on Monday.  Feel free to email or call me with any questions or concerns.  

Picture Day Next Wednesday (September 28)

Picture Day is next Wednesday, September 28.  If you would like to order pictures, please complete the order form that was sent home last week and return it to school with your child by Wednesday.  

Progress Reports for Miss Zelle's Students

Progress Reports are being sent home for students in Miss Zelle's class today.  They are a five week progress report.  Students still have plenty of time to improve grades before the end of the quarter.  First quarter ends on Friday, October 14th.  Please look over your child's progress report with them, and send it back with them on Monday.  Feel free to contact me with any questions you have.  Have a great weekend!

Miss Zelle's science classes' presentations!

Miss Zelle's and Mrs. Pride's class presented their ecosystem presentations and projects on Monday and Tuesday of this week. 

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Mrs. Pride's Class: Information About Spelling

We started our spelling program this week. Our spelling program, called Words Their Way, teaches students to look critically at words so they can build a deeper understanding of how spelling works to represent sounds and meaning. In Words Their Way, students are grouped into appropriate spelling levels depending on an initial spelling assessment.  Each group is then introduced to a new group of words with a specific pattern as its focus.  Students work on hands-on activities to sort words with common characteristics into defined groups. Students have been split into three spelling groups based on their spelling level. The word sorting activities for every child will be the same, but the words and patterns will be different for each group. We will assess how well the students learned that week’s patterns by taking a simple spelling test.  Spelling will operate on a two-week rotation.  In the first week students will get their new spelling list and pattern, and participate in simple sort activities.  The following week is for more independent practice and the spelling test.  

Mrs. Pride's Class: Unit 9 Math Test on Monday!

The Unit 9 math test is this Monday, September 26th.  Study guides are coming home with students tonight.  In addition to study guides, students should study their notes and review the following information:

  • Finding Area and Perimeter of figures on grid and dot paper
  • 3-D Solid Figures: name and identify 3-D shapes
    • faces, edges, vertices
  • Nets: Identify a 3-D figure from its Net 

Mrs. Wigger's Homework

Read 20 minutes/Fill out log

Reading letter: Faith

Social Studies:
Map of the Month
Crossword Puzzle Ws

Miss Zelle's Math Test on Monday for Unit 9

The math test for Unit 9 will be given on Monday. 

Study your notes about area, perimeter, and three dimensional shapes. 

Be able to find the area and the perimeter of a figure on a grid and dot paper. 

Be able to name three dimensional shapes, and their faces, edges, and vertices. 

Also, be able to name a three-dimensional from a picture of its net. 

Science Test on Tuesday for Miss Zelle's Science Classes

The chapter 4 ecosystems test is on Tuesday, September 27. 

Please make sure to study your notes, study guide, and the lessons in the science book.  You can access the science book online, please contact me to find out how. 

Your students will need to know how each biome is different from the others, and they will have to name a plant and animal from each biome. 

They should also study the definitions for ecosystem, environment, population, and community. 

Also, students need to know three ways that humans help or hinder ecosystems. 

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Mrs. Wigger's Homework

Read 20 minutes/Log

Quiz tomorrow

Use Math Notebook to help

Things to study:

Names of Solid Figures

Faces, Edges and Vertices of Solid Figures

Nets of Solid Figures

In Math Book or Online Book
pg 644, 648

Social Studies:
Map of the Month
Resource Ws

Mrs. Pride's Math Class: Building 3-D Shapes

Turning 'Nets' into 3-D solid figures.

Sent from my LG phone

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Mrs. Wigger's Class
Cutting and pasting solid figures
How many faces, edges, and vertices do they have? 


First Quarter book projects were sent home with students today.  This year in Reading, fourth graders will complete Book Projects each quarter rather than earning points towards a laser goal.  For their first quarter projects, students may choose to COMPLETE any fiction book they like, and then create a Book Cover.  Students should follow the rubric to create the Book Cover.  The book they select must be read in its entirety during the 1st quarter (it can be a book the student has already finished this quarter).  Directions have been explained in class.  Book Cover projects are due no later than Friday, October 7.  Please read over the project with your student and feel free to contact me if you have any questions regarding this assignment.
Mrs. Wigger's Homework

Read 20 minutes and Fill out Log
Reading Letters: Dylan on Wednesday

Book project due October 10th.

Lena and Jack C. on Thursday

Faith on Friday


Ws Faces, Edges, and Vertices

Cut out and glue shapes

Social Studies:
Map in a Month

School Store on Wednesday

Monday, September 19, 2011

School Store is Wednesday

School Store is this Wednesday. Students who bring money will be permitted to visit the store at lunch-recess.

Sent from my LG phone

Mrs. Wigger's Homework

Read 20 minutes and Fill out Log
Reading Letters:
Dylan on Wednesday

Lena and Jack C. on Thursday

Faith on Friday

Get test signed and return to school tomorrow

Redo missed questions on notebook paper

Ws 30.1 #1-9

Social Studies:
Map in a Month

School Store on Wednesday

Friday, September 16, 2011


The ORANGE Parent Update Folders were sent home today.  Please sign and return your child's folder on Monday.
Mrs. Wigger's Homework

Get test signed and return to school

Redo missed questions on notebook paper

Social Studies:
Map in a Month

Mrs. Pride's Social Studies: Group Presentations

Students presented their group posters on Missouri's 5 regions.

Sent from my LG phone