Monday, January 30, 2012

Mrs. Wigger's Homework 1/30/12

Mrs. Wigger's Homework 1/30/12

Read 20 minutes/log
3 Tic Tac Toe Projects Due March 12th
Worked on balancing equations
Homework: Study guide for Ch. 9 due Wednesday!
Other: Be sure to return your permission slip for this Wednesday's field trip to The Sheldon if you have not already!

Miss Zelle's Unit 3 Math Test on Friday

Miss Zelle's Class will be taking a math test this Friday over Unit 3.  Study guides will be going home tonight and they will be due on Wednesday.  We will review in class on Wednesday using centers, and on Thursday to prepare for the test.  Students should study the following:
  • Multiplication and Division Facts through 12's
  • Finding the value of a variable Ex: 9 x g = 36
  • Choose the operation word problems
  • Writing expressions
  • Writing equations
  • Using and explaining the variable for the unknown
  • Finding the value of expressions
  • Finding the variable in an equation
  • Balancing Equations
  • Finding a rule, writing the rule as an equation and extending a rule when using an in/out box. 

Miss Zelle's Science Chapter 10 Lesson 1 Quiz on Friday, February 3

We have begun a new unit this week in science.  We are learning about matter, Chapter 10 Lesson 1.  Students will be taking their first quiz over this information on Friday of this week.  They should study the following:
  • Matter- anything that takes up space.  (they should know examples of what is matter, and what is not matter)
  • Physical Properties- Color, shape, mass, five senses about an object
  • Mass- The amount of matter something contains.  The more matter and object is, the heavier it is
  • Volume- The amount of space something takes up.
  • Density- The relationship between volume and mass.  The amount of matter something takes up compared to the amount of space something takes up.  Density= mass divided by volume. 

Miss Zelle's 3rd Quarter Book Projects

Dear Parents/Guardians,
Third quarter book projects are coming home today.  I have worked with students to help them select a fiction book on their level for this quarter’s project.  Attached is the Book Project Tic Tac Toe.    Students may choose any ONE activity on the Tic Tac Toe and complete it when they have FINISHED reading their selected book.  When students have selected their activity, they must see me to gather the necessary materials for their project.  The book they have selected must be read in its entirety during the 3rd quarter.  Directions have been explained in class.  Book Projects are due no later than Monday, March 5.  Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions regarding this assignment.
Miss Zelle

Friday, January 27, 2012

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Mrs. Wigger's Homework 1/26/12

Mrs. Wigger's Homework 1/26/12

Read 20 minutes/log
3 Tic Tac Toe Projects Due March 12th
Study Spelling words
Spelling Tic Tac Toe due this TOMORROW, January 27th
Study for Spelling test TOMORROW
Practice W.S. 9.3  # 1-14 all
Other: We have two field  trip permission slips that need to be returned. One if for the rescheduled trip to the Art Museum (February 9th) and the other is for The Sheldon next Wednesday (February 1st). Please return these with your child as soon as possible!

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Mrs. Wigger's Homework 1/25/12

Mrs. Wigger's Homework 1/25/12

Read 20 minutes/log
Cause & Effect WS - The Reptile Effect
3 Tic Tac Toe Projects Due March 12th
Study Spelling words
Spelling Tic Tac Toe due this Friday, January 27th
Study for Spelling test this Friday as well!
Practice W.S. 9.1 #-10 all
Get Ch. 8 quiz signed if 79% or below
Science: Study for Ch. 7 Test
See Ms. Zelle's post below about the study guide
Chapter 7 Science test tomorrow!!!

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Miss Zelle's Chapter 7 Science Test on Thursday

Chapter 7 Study Guide
Deposition is the dropping by rivers of soil and rock.
An Earthquake is the shaking of Earth’s surface.
A Fossil is the remains or traces of an organism that lived long ago. 
A Glacier is a large, moving block of ice.
A Landform is a natural feature on Earth’s surface.
A Mountain is a landform much higher than the land around it.
Topography is the shape of landforms in an area.
A Volcano is a landform that forms where lava flows on Earth’s surface. 
Be able to tell between the different types of volcanoes. 
Know the different layers of the Earth and what makes them different. 
Know how volcanoes form.
Also, study your notes, old quizzes, and your book to prepare for the test. 

Monday, January 23, 2012

Mrs. Wigger's Homework 1/23/12

Mrs. Wigger's Homework
Read 20 Minutes/Log
3 Tic Tac Toe Projects Due March 12th
Study Spelling Words
Tic Tac Toe due Friday January 27th 
Spelling test Friday
Took Ch. 8 test
Science: Study for Ch. 7 lesson 3 quiz tomorrow

Miss Zelle's Class Reflects on Ability Awareness Day

Miss Zelle's Class learned about different abilities that people have today.  Check out their blogs to read their reflections!

Friday, January 20, 2012

Field Trip to the St. Louis Art Museum

Mrs. Wigger's class went to the St. Louis Art Museum for a field trip on January 19th. They examined paintings, sculptures, and even real mummies! Here area few pictures!

Mrs. Wigger's Homework 1/20/11

Mrs. Wigger's Homework
Read 20 Minutes/Log
3 Tic Tac Toe Projects Due March 12th
Study Spelling Words
Tic Tac Toe due January 27th 
Review Ch. 8 notes and study guide

Science: Study for Ch. 7 Lesson 3 Quiz Tuesday
We will review and take the quiz Monday in class

The field trip has been rescheduled for Thursday, February 9th, from 12:00-2:30. Thanks and have a great weekend!

Miss Zelle's Math Centers to review multiplication and division

Miss Zelle's Science Classes Chapter 7 Lesson 3 Quiz on Tuesday

Miss Zelle's Science Classes have their Chapter 7 Lesson 3 Quiz on Tuesday.  They should study the following:
  • Fossil is the remains or traces of an organism that lived long ago.
  • Fossil Record is the information about Earth's history that is contained in fossils.  It's the main source of clues about Earth's past life and environment
  • Geologic Time Scales are used to better understand what was living during each part of history
  • What causes trees to become petrified
  • What animal footprints can tell scientists

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Miss Zelle's Chapter 8 Math Quiz on Monday!

Miss Zelle's classes have a math quiz on Monday.  Study the following:
  • Multiplication and division facts through 12's
  • Fact families
  • Multiplication Properties, Identity Property, Zero Property, Commutative Property (flip-flop), Associative Property (buddy rule)
  • Choose the operation: know whether to add, subtract, multiply or divide when given a word problem. 
Study guides are due on Monday.  We will review before the quiz. 

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Mrs. Wigger's Class Homework 1/18/12

Mrs. Wigger's Homework
Read 20 Minutes/Log
3 Tic Tac Toe Projects Due March 12th
Study Spelling Words
Tic Tac Toe due January 27th 
Practice Multiplication Facts
Ws 8.5 #1-13 all
Art Museum Field Trip TOMORROW!

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Mrs. Wigger's Homework 1/17/12

Mrs. Wigger's Homework
Read 20 Minutes/Log
3 Tic Tac Toe Projects Due March 12th
Study Spelling Words
Tic Tac Toe due January 27th
Practice Multiplication Facts
Ws 8.4 #2-16 even
Art Museum Field Trip on January19th

Friday, January 13, 2012

Mrs. Wigger's Homework


3 Tic Tac Toe Projects Due March 12th

Study Spelling Words

Tic Tac Toe due January 27th

Practice Multiplication Facts

Social Studies:
Ws Missouri Match Up


Art Museum Field Trip on January19th

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Mrs. Wigger's 
January Reading Letters 
Mrs. Wigger's Homework

Read 20 Minutes/Log

3 Tic Tac Toe Projects Due March 12th

Study Spelling Words

Tic Tac Toe due January 27th

Practice Multiplication Facts

Ws 8.3 #3-18

Ws Reading Support

Chapter 7 Lesson 2 Quiz tomorrow


Art Museum Field Trip on January19th

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Music Updates!

Dear Parents:
Happy New Year! We are off to a great start in music!  The third, fourth, and fifth graders will be playing recorders as part of their musical experience this semester. Third and fourth graders will be able to use their recorders again next year.
Fourth and fifth graders should bring their recorders to school by January 23rd.  Names should be printed on the recorders in permanent ink.
Third graders should bring $5.00 to school by January 23rd to purchase their recorders.  Checks should be made payable to Lindbergh Schools. 
Any fourth or fifth graders who have lost their recorders may purchase a replacement recorder for $5.00.  If you need a new recorder, please bring your money in by January 20th.
Thank you so much!                                       
Mrs. Kiso
Mrs. Wigger's Homework

Read 20 Minutes

3 Tic Tac Toe Projects Due March 12th

Choose 3 projects on the Tic Tac Toe

Ws Top Slice

Practice Multiplication Facts

Ws Reading Support due Friday
Chapter 7 Lesson 2 Quiz on Friday


Art Museum Field Trip on January 12th and 19th

Miss Zelle's and Mrs. Rueschhoff's Buddy Day

Miss Zelle and Miss Rueschhoff's buddy classes met today.  We watched a video about Snowflake Bently and then made snowflakes.  Here is the link if you would like to learn about Snowflake Bently.  Snowflake Bently link

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Mrs. Wigger's Homework

Read 20 Minutes

3 Tic Tac Toe Projects Due March 12th

Choose 3 projects on the Tic Tac Toe

Practice Multiplication Facts

Ws 8.2 #1-15, 16, 17, 18

Word problem


Pizza Party Tomorrow
Bring drinks and other snacks

Early Release on January 11th: 1:40 p.m.

Art Museum Field Trip on January 12th and 19th

Monday, January 9, 2012

Mrs. Wigger's Homework

Read 20 Minutes

3 Tic Tac Toe Projects Due March 12th

Brainstorm 3 books you want to read this quarter.

Ws 8.1 Practice Side Odds


Early Release on January 11th: 1:40 p.m.

Art Museum Field Trip on January 12th

Permission Slip

Chaperone slip

Miss Zelle's Science Classes Quiz on Friday

Miss Zelle's science classes have a quiz over Chapter 7 Lesson 2 this Friday.  They will need to know information about Earth's changing surface.  They should study the following:
  • Glaciers
  • Deposition
  • Volcano
  • Earthquake
  • Earth's Layers and details about each layer

Report Cards

Report cards are coming home with your student today.  Please look them over with your child.  Then sign and cut off the bottom of the last page and return that portion with your child tomorrow.  This way we know you have looked over the report card with them.  Thanks,
The Fourth Grade Teachers

Meet Miss Brennan!

Hi! My name is Molly Brennan and I am a student at UMSL working towards an elementary education degree. I have worked in the Lindbergh School District at Kennerly Elementary with third graders and am excited to meet Ms. Zelle's fourth grade students.

Miss Zelle's Class Updates!

Miss Zelle's class is excited to announce that we are having a student teacher this semester!  We will be using a co-teaching model.  This will include team teaching strategies.  This will give your student many opportunities to work hands on and in small groups with two teachers in the room in collaboration.  We will be using strategies such as station teaching, parallel teaching, supplemental teaching, and alternative teaching.  Each of these strategies will give your student the benefit of more individualized instruction.  I am excited to get started! 

Friday, January 6, 2012

Mrs. Wigger's Class

Congratulations to our 3rd Quarter Class Officers!


Students can do one of four different projects for PRISM this year.  They can complete a portfolio, investigation, collection, or invention.   All the information you need is in the PRISM handbook that is available for download on the district website.  Under the students’ tab click on PRISM to access the site.  If you want a printed copy, please check the box for one on the student entry form.  PRISM boxes can be purchased from the school for $3.  If your child is going to do a PRISM project, please send in your entry form or notify their teacher and send in $3 for the display box.  PRISM night will be held here at Sappington on Thursday, February 23 from 4:00 -6:00.  Families can come and observe all of the projects, get their certificate and take home their project that evening. 
Prism is not mandatory in fourth grade, but encouraged.  Fourth grade science teachers will be reviewing the projects and students can receive up to 10 points of extra credit towards their science grade.   Please do not hesitate to call and ask any of the fourth grade teachers about the projects.  We look forward to seeing what great ideas your students choose to investigate. 

Updates for Miss Zelle's Class!

January 6, 2012
Dear Parents,
In math students are learning about multiplication and division.  It is essential that students memorize their math facts in order to be successful in two by three digit multiplication and long division. 
In communication arts, we continue to work in guided reading groups.  We are studying main idea and supporting details, cause and effect, fact and opinion, and sequencing of events.  Please encourage your students to read every night for 20 minutes!  In writing students we are working on a unit of poetry.  It will include different types of poems such as couplets, limericks and acrostic poems. 
In science, we are finishing up or unit about Earth’s changing surface.  As we finish up we will be learning about matter and its properties.  Students will learn about the how physical properties can be used to describe matter, and mixtures and solutions.  We will also be learning about the changes of matter. 
We will be going on two field trips to the Art Museum this month!  As always feel free to contact me with any questions.  Your support is always appreciated! 
Miss Zelle
Mrs. Wigger's Homework

Ws 16.3 #1-8


Art Museum Field Trip Permission Slip

Chaperone slip

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Mrs. Wigger's Homework

Read 20 minutes/fill out log

Ws Main Idea Mix UP

Ws #2,4,8,14


Art Museum Field Trip Permission Slip

Chaperone slip

The fourth grade erupted a shield volcano in science today!

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Mrs. Wigger's Homework

Read 20 minutes/fill out log

Cut out and answer flashcards


Art Museum Field Trip Permission Slip

Chaperone slip