Wednesday, August 31, 2011


Students should have brought their Geography Picture Dictionaries home tonight to begin studying the highlighted terms for Friday's quiz.  Please remind your student to bring the Dictionary back tomorrow so we can continue working on the pictures in class.  Pictures of the 12 terms are due Friday, the day of the quiz.  Dictionaries will come home again tomorrow night for more studying, and should be returned to school again on Friday. 

The following terms should be highlighted.  Students are responsible for knowing these for Friday's quiz:

  • badlands
  • canyon
  • delta
  • dune
  • geyser
  • glacier
  • mountain
  • peninsula
  • plain
  • plateau
  • river
  • volcano
Mrs. Wigger's Homework

Read 20 minutes/ fill out log
Needs a parent signature

Math: Name Symmetry

Chapter 18 Quiz needs to be signed and returned by Tomorrow.

Geography Dictionary Due Tomorrow
Geography Quiz is on Tomorrow
Study marked terms

Scientific Method Quiz on Friday

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Mrs. Wigger's Homework

Read 20 minutes/ fill out log
Needs a parent signature

Math: Read Parent letter for Chapter 19 (This will help see what we will learn.)

Chapter 18 Quiz needs to be signed and returned by Thursday.

Geography Dictionary Due Tomorrow
Geography Quiz is on Thursday
Study marked terms

Mrs. Pride's Class Shares PowerPoints

Students presented their finished PowerPoint Presentations. They really turned out great!

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Mrs. Pride's and Miss Zelle's classes will have a Social Studies quiz on Friday over landforms.  They have highlighted the words they must know in their Geography Picture Dictionaries.  Students should focus on the following words and definitions...

  • badlands
  • canyon
  • delta
  • dune
  • geyser
  • glacier
  • mountain
  • peninsula
  • plain
  • plateau
  • river
  • volcano

Monday, August 29, 2011

Mrs. Wigger's Homework

Read 20 min fill out log
Get a Parent signature

Math: Complete Study Guide for Chapter 18 Quiz tomorrow. #1-14
We will review before we take the quiz.

Geography Quiz has been moved to Thursday.
Study terms from Geography Dictionary.

Mrs. Wigger
Mrs. Sindelar's
Social Studies

Geography Quiz has been moved to Thursday!

Terms that need to be studied are highlighted or marked with stars.


Mrs. Pride's class has a math quiz tomorrow over Chapter 18.  Please review with your child the following information:

  • Polygons - Regular vs. Not Regular (Triangles, Quadrilaterals, Pentagons, Hexagons, Octagons)
  • Triangles (3 Kinds: Acute, Obtuse, Right)
  • Quadrilaterals (Classifying Trapezoids, Parallelograms, Rectangles, Rhombuses, and Squares)
Your child should complete tonight's study guide and look over his/her math notebook to prepare.  We will review as a whole class before the quiz tomorrow.  

Mrs. Pride's Math Class - Quadrilateral Scavenger Hunt

Ask your student to tell you about the many different kinds of quadrilaterals we found in the classroom today.

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Friday, August 26, 2011

Mrs. Wigger's Homework

No reading :)

Math Ws 18.2 #1-15

Social Studies: Geography Quiz on Wednesday

Have a great weekend!!

Mrs. Wigger's Class
Focusing on a Good Fit Book 
Wigger and Sindelar
Social Studies Classes

We have a Geography Quiz on Wednesday, August 31st.

They have their Geography Picture Dictionary to help them study for the quiz.

Ask your student what terms they should study.

Miss Zelle's Class learns about each other and powerpoint!

This week in writing, Miss Zelle's class learned about each other by conducting an interview.  They then learned how to use the different features of powerpoint by cooperating and creating a joint powerpoint about their partner. 

Science Experiment for Miss Zelle's Class

The photos were taken during our science experiment.  The first few were taken at the end, then an hour later, two hours later, and then a day later.  Ask your child what they learned about yeast, and which substance fed yeast the most!

Science Experiment for Mrs. Pride's Class

The photos were taken during our science experiment.  The first few were taken at the end, then an hour later, two hours later, and then a day later.  Ask your child what they learned about yeast, and which substance fed yeast the most!

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Mrs. Wigger's Class

Read 20 minutes
Fill out Log
Needs Parent Signature

Math: Ws 18.1 #1-6, 8, 9, 12, 14

Signed Quiz Due Tomorrow

Social Studies: Ws Hamburg

Dairy Permission Slip(see information on blog)

 Congratulations to Mrs. Wigger's Class Officers 

President: Shane
Vice President: Olivia
Secretary: Lily 

Mrs. Pride's Class Working on PowerPoints

Students are finishing up their Classroom Interview PowerPoints.

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Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Mrs. Wigger's Homework

Read 20 minutes
Fill out yellow log
Needs a parent signature

Math quiz needs to be signed and returned by Friday

Letter to Mrs. Wigger

Time for Kids

Dairy Fully Fuel Permission Slip Due
(see blog for more information)

Dairy Fully Fueled

Dairy Fully Fueled is a fun experience that comes to schools to teach students about dairy products. The Dairy Fully Fueled Tour has some great interactive centers. Check out their website to learn more.

Please sign and return your student's permission slip so they can participate.

Mrs. Wigger's Class
Working on PowerPoints

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Mrs. Wigger's Homework

Read 20 minutes
Fill out yellow log.
Parent signature is needed.
In summary spot they write about what they learned.

Math: Complete Study Guide #1-15 for quiz tomorrow
We will review before we take the quiz.

Social Studies
Ws Focusing on Four

Time for kids needs 7 names and addresses by 8/24 for a fun prize.

Mrs. Pride's Math Class- QUIZ TOMORROW!!!

Don't forget to study for the Chapter 17 math quiz tomorrow.  Review lines, rays, and line segments, different kinds of angles (acute, obtuse, right), and intersecting, perpendicular, and parallel lines.  Your Chapter 17 Study Guides are due tomorrow.  
Miss Zelle's class.... don't forget to study for your Chapter 17 math quiz tomorrow!

The Scientific Method

Sappington's fourth graders learned about the scientific method today!
Here are the steps!
1.Observe and Ask Questions (testable)
Ex: Which popcorn pops the most

2.Form a hypothesis- A hypothesis is an if/then statement that tells what you think will happen and why you think it will happen
3.Plan an Experiment- gather your materials,  come up with your directions, and your procedure to follow. 
4.Conduct an Experiment- do your experiment, follow the steps.
5.Draw Conclusions- what happened and why did it happen.  What did you learn? 

Monday, August 22, 2011

Mrs. Wigger's Homework

Math Ws 17.3 #1-8

Read 20 minutes/parent signature is needed for yellow log
Write in summary spot about favorite or least favorite part of reading

Party money/Health Forms

Time for Kids(more information will come home tomorrow)

Mrs. Wigger's Class 

Making Perpendicular, Parallel, and Intersecting Lines 

Ask your student to tell you a fact about each.

Ways Readers Choose Books

Sappington Fourth graders learned how to pick good fit books during independent reading time. Ask them what I PICK means!
“Good Fit Books”
1. I look at a book
2. P urpose
3. I nterest
4. C omprehend
5. K now all the words

Mrs. Pride's Math Class: Pretzel Lines

Students used pretzels to demonstrate intersecting, perpendicular, and parallel lines. Yum!

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Friday, August 19, 2011

Mrs. Wigger's Homework

Health form

Art shirt

President speeches due Monday

Have a wonderful weekend!!

Learning PowerPoint in Mrs. Pride's Class

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Mrs. Wigger's Class

Angle Scavenger Hunt 

Ask your student what they learned about angles.