Friday, December 16, 2011

Mrs. Wigger's Homework


Art Museum Field Trip Permission Slip

Have a safe and happy break!

See you January 3rd!

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Mrs. Wigger's Homework

Read 20 minutes/fill out log

Math: Get test signed


Art Museum Field Trip Permission Slip

Holiday Party December 16th: 1:40-2:40

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Mrs. Wigger's Homework

Read 20 minutes/fill out log

Math: Get test signed


Art Museum Field Trip Permission Slip

Holiday Party December 16th: 1:40-2:40

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Miss Zelle's and Mrs. Rueschhoff's Buddy Class

Miss Zelle and Mrs. Rueschhoff's Buddy Classes met last week to learn about St. Nicholas.  Mrs. Rueschhoff told the story of St. Nicholas to the students and then they helped each other to make shoes.  Then the students left their shoes out, and in the morning found a sweet surprise. 

Monday, December 12, 2011

Mrs. Wigger's Homework

Read 20 minutes/fill out log

Word Work:
Write missed spelling words 3xs each

If lower than 100% get test signed

Chapter 7 Lesson 1 Quiz Tomorrow


Art Museum Field Trip Permission Slip

Holiday Party December 16th: 1:40-2:40

Science quiz tomorrow over ch. 7 lesson 1! Make sure you study!

Friday, December 9, 2011

Mrs. Wigger's Homework


Study Guide due on Friday

Unit 2 Test on Monday
Use pgs in Math Book to help study


Social Studies:
Lewis and Clark Journal Due Monday


Art Museum Field Trip Permission Slip

Holiday Party December 16th 1:40-2:40

Miss Zelle's Science Classes Chapter 7 Lesson 1 Quiz on Tuesday

Miss Zelle's class will be taking their Chapter 7 Lesson 1 Quiz on Tuesday.  This quiz will cover information learned about Landforms.  They should study the following terms. 
  • Landforms
  • Topography
  • Mountain
  • Valley
  • Canyon
  • Delta
  • Dune
  • Plain
  • Plateau
  • Island

Miss Zelle's Unit 2 Math Test on Monday

We will be taking our Unit 2 Test on Monday.  This test will cover material learned in Chapters 5, 6, and 7.  Students should study the following.
  • How to tell time to the nearest minute
  • How to read and interpret data on a graph
  • Frequency and Cumulative Frequency
  • The types of graphs, and when each should be used
  • Bar graph- to compare data
  • Double bar graph- to compare two types of data
  • Line Graph- shows change over time
  • Line Plot- shows the number of times a response occurs
  • How to make a bar graph, line graph, and pictograph, including titles and labels

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Mrs. Wigger's Class
Reviewing Unit 2 in Math
Mrs. Wigger's Homework

Read 20 min/Log

Line graph
Circle graph

Study Guide due on Friday

Unit 2 Test on Monday
Use pgs to help study


Social Studies:
Lewis and Clark Journal Due Monday


Art Museum Field Trip Permission Slip

Hat Day on Friday with Adopt a Family Donation

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Miss Zelle's Persuasive Writing

Check out our persuasive pieces of writing on the following link. 
Kid Blog
Mrs. Wigger's Homework

Read 20 min/Log

Persuasive Paper Due Tomorrow

Math Word Problem

Ws 7.5 #1-6

Study Guide due on Friday

Unit 2 Test on Monday


Art Museum Field Trip Permission Slip

Hat Day on Friday with Adopt a Family Donation

Mrs. Sindelar's class had a great time with our buddies today!

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Miss Zelle's Science Classes Learn about Landforms!

Landform Project
Groups researched the following using pages 232-236 of their science textbooks.
·     Write a definition of your landform
·     Write how your landform was formed
·     Write how your landform might change over time
·     Draw a NEAT/Colorful picture of your landform
·     Make a clay model of your landform

Welcome: Ethan Thomas Pride

Ethan was born on December 4th at 10:20 pm. Mrs. Pride says 'hello' to all of her wonderful students!

Sent from my LG phone

Monday, December 5, 2011

Mrs. Wigger's Homework

Read 20 min/Log

Ws 7.2 #1-6
Ws 7.3 #1-4

Early Dismissal on Wednesday: 1:40

Art Museum Field Trip Permission Slip

Hat Day on Friday with Adopt a Family Donation

Friday, December 2, 2011

Mrs. Wigger's Homework


Reading Tic Tac Toe Due Monday, December 5th

Word Work:

Ws 7.1 Reteach Side

Get Ch 6 Quiz signed

Redo missed problems

Get Quiz Signed

Art Museum Field Trip Permission Slip

December Events

December 2- Book Fair Begins
December 2- Evening with Santa 6-8
December 5- K-3 Music Performance at 7
December 7- Early Release at 1:40/ Character Club Field Trip to Friendship Villiage
December 16- Second Quarter Ends
December 16- Holiday Parties at 1:45
December 19-January 2- No School/Holiday Break
January 3- School Resumes

December Updates for Miss Zelle's class

Dear Parents/Guardians,
This is a short month, so we have a lot of learning over the next few weeks.  The fourth graders continue to work hard at school, and put forth their best efforts! In math students are learning about collecting and organizing data.  Students will also analyze and graph data using bar graphs, double bar graphs, line graphs, and circle graphs.  In communication arts, we continue to work in guided reading groups, and on making inferences.  Please encourage your students to read every night for 20 minutes!  In writing students will be publishing their persuasive paragraphs on computers.  In science, we are learning about the changes to Earth’s surface.  Students will learn about soil, Earth’s landforms, and the causes of change to Earth’s landforms. 
Miss Zelle

Miss Zelle's Math Class

Miss Zelle's class learned to make and read bar and double bar graphs in math today! 

Miss Zelle's Class Holiday Party

Dear Parents,

With the holidays right around the corner, please remember that there is a child(ren) with a potentially life threatening allergy to peanuts and/or tree nuts in the classroom. Any contact with or ingestion of these food items could be harmful to any child with peanut/tree nut allergies.

Due to changes in food allergy management in the Lindbergh School District, the nurse must be notified of foods that are being brought in for the party at least one week prior to the party date (or by December 11th).  Foods not submitted by December 11th will not be allowed. Food items include, but are not limited to cupcakes, cookies, donuts, candy, and treat bags.   A non-food item can be provided instead and is encouraged.   If you have any questions regarding the safety of food items or ingredient label reading of food items please stop by or call me.  ANY FOOD coming in on the day of the party will not be accepted.  Thank you for your understanding. 

Handwashing is not only a good way to help keep children with peanut/tree nut allergies safe, but it is also key in preventing illness such as influenza.  Please review proper handwashing technique with your child(including the use of soap!) and encourage them to wash hands before and after meals. 

Following a few simple guidelines can help keep everyone safe during celebrations.  The Halloween parties went smoothly and were without incident.  Thank you for your help! 

Lee Ann Barrett, RN

School Nurse, Sappington Elementary

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Mrs. Wigger's Homework

Read 20 minutes/ Log

Reading Tic Tac Toe Due Monday, December 5th

Word Work:
Spelling Test Tomorrow

Tic Tac Toe due Tomorrow

Get Ch 6 Quiz signed

Redo missed problems

Get Quiz Signed

Pj day on Friday if you bring change in to help Adopt a Family.

Art Museum Field Trip Permission Slip

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Mrs. Wigger's Homework

Read 20 minutes/ Log

Reading Tic Tac Toe Due December 5th

Word Work:
StudySpelling Words

Test and Tic Tac Toe on December 2nd

Get Ch 6 Quiz signed

Redo missed problems

Quiz Chapter 6 Lesson 4 on Thursday

Study Chapter 6 Lesson 4

Pj day on Friday if you bring change in to help Adopt a Family.

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Miss Zelle's Book Project Due December 5th!

Just a reminder that all second quarter book projects are due no later than December 5.  Students should have already read their selected chapter books.  Materials for their chosen Tic Tac Toe activities have already come home.  They should be finishing these at any time after completing the book. Book projects may be turned in early if finished before the December 5 due date.  

Please contact me with any questions.
Miss Zelle
Mrs. Wigger's Homework

Read 20 minutes/ Log

Reading Tic Tac Toe Due December 5th

Word Work:
StudySpelling Words

Test and Tic Tac Toe on December 2nd

Chapter 6 Study Guide due on Wednesday

Chapter 6 Quiz on Wednesday

Use pgs 130-131 to help study

Quiz Chapter 6 Lesson 4 on Thursday

Pj day on Friday if you bring change in to help Adopt a Family.

Miss Zelle's Science Quiz on Thursday, December 1

Miss Zelle's science quiz on Thursday is over Chapter 6 Lesson 4. 

Humus- is the remains of decayed plants and animals. 
Horizons- layers of soil
Bedrock- the solid rock that forms Earth’s surface
Sand- has the largest particles. 1-2 millimeters (mm)
Clay- has the smallest particles.  They are 1/1000 of a sand particle
Silt- is in between in size

They should also study the layers of soil. 

Monday, November 28, 2011

Miss Zelle's Chapter 6 Math Quiz on Wednesday, November 30th

The students in Miss Zelle's class have their Chapter 6 math quiz. 
They should study and be able to find the following in a set of data:
  • Frequency- the number of time a response occurs.
  • Cumulative Frequency- the running total of frequencies.
  • Mean- the average of a set of data.  You find the mean by adding up the numbers and dividing by the number of addends. 
  • Mode- the number that occurs most often in a set of data.  There may be more than one mode or no mode. 
  • Median- the middle number.  Put the numbers in order from least to greatest, then cross them out on each end until you find the number in the middle.  If there are two middle numbers, then find the middle of those numbers. 
  • Line Plot- a graph that shows the frequency of data along a line.
  • Range- the difference between the greatest and least numbers in a set of data.
  • Outlier- a value separated from the rest of the data.  (Ages in our class, everyone was 9-10, and Miss Zelle's age was much further, making her an outlier)
  • Scale- a series of numbers placed at fixed or equal distances. Ex: 0-20 or 0-50
  • Interval- is the difference between two numbers on the scale.  Ex: 2's, 5's or 10's
  • Study notes and Study guides
Study guides are due Wednesday and we will review before the quiz! 

Miss Zelle's Science Class Tests Soil

Students tested which soil would hold the most water. 
They wrote a hypothesis
If I pour 200 milliliters (mL) of water into a cup of soil and sand, then I think _____ will hold the most water because _____________________. 
200 ml of water     1 cup of soil     1 cup of sand
Measuring cup
1.Slowly pour the water into the sand.  Stop when the water begins to puddle on top. 
2.Calculate the amount of water the sand absorbed. 
3.Slowly pour the water into the potting soil.  Stop when the water begins to puddle on top.
4.Calculate the amount of water the potting soil absorbed. 
Then Students drew conclusions by answering the following questions as a group:
1.Infer where the water that you poured into the potting soil and sand went
2.What do the results of the investigation tell about how the size of particles and spaces in between particles compare in the sand and soil?

Mrs. Wigger's Homework

Read 20 minutes/ Log

Reading Tic Tac Toe Due December 5th

Word Work:
StudySpelling Words

Test and Tic Tac Toe on December 2nd

Ws 6.6 #1-5

Chapter 6 Study Guide due on Wednesday

Chapter 6 Quiz on Wednesday

Get quizzes signed and return to school


Tuesday, November 22, 2011

4th Grade 

To learn about Africa, 4th Grade listened to an African Folktale and made African Masks. 

This helped us learn about the African Culture. 

Mrs. Wigger's Homework

Reading Tic Tac Toe Due December 5th

Word Work:
StudySpelling Words

Test and Tic Tac Toe on December 2nd

Get quizzes signed and return to school

Happy Break!!

No school November 23rd-25th

Monday, November 21, 2011

Mrs. Wigger's Homework

20 minutes/Fill out log

Reading letters due this week Kailey, Alysha, Braiden, Dylan, and Alex

Reading Tic Tac Toe Due December 5th

Word Work:
StudySpelling Words

Test and Tic Tac Toe on December 2nd

Get quizzes signed and return to school

No school November 23rd-25th

Friday, November 18, 2011

Mrs. Wigger's Homework

Reading Tic Tac Toe Due December 5th

Word Work:
StudySpelling Words

Test and Tic Tac Toe on December 2nd

Ws 6.2 #1-11

Get quizzes signed and return to school

No school November 23rd-25th

Miss Zelle's Students Learn to Blog

Miss Zelle's students learned to blog today.  They posted reviews about our read aloud book that we just finished, Runaway Twin.   Check them out at

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Bake Sale Proceeds Go to Water Project

Sappington's Humanitarian
 Lily T. 

Lily raised $282.00, in a bake sale, for the Water Project.
Lily organized and carried out this amazing task, with the help of her family and friends. Lily had some baked donations from her fellow classmates, David and Olivia.

Great job, Lily!

What to do with your unwanted or left over halloween candy?

Fourth grade is taking donations for left over or unwanted Halloween candy.  We are going to be using them for our December 7th Buddy Day.  If you want to donate, please send the candy in to your student's homeroom teacher.  Thank you so much! 

Miss Zelle and Mrs. Rueschhoff's Buddy Day

We went to the library with our buddy classes.  The fourth grade buddies picked out books to read to their first grade buddies.  When they finished, they made bookmarks together.